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After the Installation

Following the installation of a grease trap on a client’s site, RGR will typically approach clients with the offer of a service contract for their grease removal unit(s).

By servicing the unit following the installation, RGR are able to quantify the effect it is having on site and whether there are any adjustments that can be made to further improve the grease trap’s performance. We can monitor how well the grease trap is coping with waste, and whether the site has any special requirements that affect it’s functionality.

Similarly, having a service contract allows RGR Facilities to ensure daily maintenance is still being carried out satisfactorily over the course of a year or more after the installation of the grease trap, and if necessary to offer additional training.

For clients with multiple sites and units, comparative reports can be generated, showing any locations where problems are occurring. These can easily be generated based on the volume of call outs to a site over a given period, allowing RGR to identify problems as they arise, compare the effectiveness of different FOG removal solutions, and further tailor our service to meet the needs of our clients.