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Exploring RGR Facilities: A Hub of Excellence in Facility Management

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In the dynamic world of facility management, RGR Facilities stands out as a beacon of excellence and innovation. For years, RGR Facilities has been synonymous with quality, efficiency, and top-tier service, setting benchmarks in the industry. But what makes RGR Facilities a leader in its field? Let's delve into the key aspects that define its success and explore the breadth of services it offers.

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The Unsung Hero: Understanding the Benefits of Investing in a Grease Trap

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In the realm of commercial kitchens, the grease trap often plays the role of the silent hero, quietly performing its duty without much fanfare. Yet, behind the scenes, this unassuming piece of equipment serves a crucial function, one that can significantly impact both the efficiency of kitchen operations and the environment. In this blog post, we'll delve into the benefits of investing in a grease trap and why it's a wise decision for any establishment dealing with fats, oils, and grease (FOG).

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Why do I need a Grease Trap? The Legal Requirements

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Fat, oil and grease when cooled congeal, harden and stick to the inner lining of drainage pipe restricting wastewater flow and blocking pipes. As a result, there are a number of legal requirements that have been put in place to help prevent fat, oil and grease entering drainlines and sewerage systems. Water companies, landlords, the local government and the environmental agency can all prosecute sites for having improper waste management.

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Five facts about Fatbergs

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Fatbergs provide a glimpse into the darker side of modern life. These oily beasts are growing right beneath our feet and clogging sewers around the world. Here are just five facts about Fatbergs that you should know.

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Why Maintain your Grease Trap? 6 Reasons regular maintenance and servicing is so important

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Grease traps are increasingly becoming a key feature in commercial kitchens across the UK and Ireland, with many landlords now requiring grease traps to be installed to prevent FOG (fats, oils, and grease) from entering the sewer water. However, like many appliances within a kitchen, grease traps require regular maintenance and servicing to keep running constantly and efficiently. Here we detail why and how we can help.

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